Winter Camping Clinic, 20-21st April 2024, Squamish BC


1 week ahead: zoom meeting with meet&greet, Q&A, full trip planning, gear list and food recommendations

Day1: meet up around 8am, drive up to trailhead, ski tour to site where we decide to camp (we will define options a week before), build snowcaves/set up tents, possible short sun set ski tour, dinner in cozy communal tent, sleep

Day2: breakfast, avalanche skills training (Companion Rescue/Snow Observation/Terrain assessment – whatever is requested), possible ski, break camp, head back parking lot, finish around 3 to 4 pm


This clinic will get you out of your comfort zone if you have been dreaming of winter camping but never got the chance to try it, …and will slide winter camping right into your comfort zone.

The good thing is – EVERYONE in this group will be out of their comfort zone! And being in an inclusive, supportive, and safe group of sisters will create something that made our winter camping clinics magical past winter.

When everyone is slightly intimidated but is invited to stay open, talk about thoughts and fears, make a plan together and help each other out, it will turn into pure energy of stoke & joy, we promise!!

The key to enjoying winter camping is all about being prepared. There are some non-negotiables for gear and some stuff you can fake until you make it to being able to buy the very expensive stuff.

The second part of being prepared is knowing what to expect. What will the terrain be like, where do I find terrain suitable for a camp setup? How much snow will be on the ground? What is snow quality? What is the weather going to be like? Freezing cold, stormy, rainy, spring weather? Where do I find the right information, which navigaton apps are the right ones to use, and how to read the avalanche bulletin?!?! And then there is food, stoves, tents, aso to choose from… – It is A LOT!

But, setting up a template to work with, a complete gear list and a few spots to choose from is the key. We will teach you all this and even sit down with the whole group and plan all that a week before our clinic.

If you want to get a feeling of what to expect, please feel free to read our trip reports from last spring here and here. We had 2 trips in completely different conditions, but both times the outcome was miraculous. So much fun, we can’t wait to do it all over again.

See you out there?!?


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