Martini Mountains Backpacking Trip



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Location: Squamish, BC

Cost: $890 per person plus GST

Fall Line Guides is partnering with Stoke Sisters to offer small group backpacking trips called Martini Mountains. We will explore the Sea-to-Sky backcountry away from the crowds and high in the mountains. The ratio is a maximum of 6 guests to 1 guide. 

Our local guide extraordinaire (Mel Wiese, ACMG Hiking Guide), will show you their secret hidden gems on this 4 day and 3 night backpacking trip. 

Is this adventure for you? If you already have day-hikes under your belt and feel ready to tackle multiple days in a row, while carrying an overnight backpack with camping gear, tent and food – well then YES, this adventure is for YOU! 

Martini Mountains trip includes a Pre-trip Online Meeting, in which you will receive coaching from our  guide: 1. How to pack your backpack, 2. What to bring for 4-days, and 3. How to plan a trip efficiently to enable you to plan your own backpacking trips in the future. Plus we can answer any outstanding questions. 

Our goal will be to keep the hiking distance under 10 km per day, with an elevation gain of around 500 meters give or take. We want to enable time for you to enjoy the trip and take it all in, without slogging endlessly from sunrise to sunset. And add-on hikes in the afternoon will be optional, once our camp is established. 

The majority of the hiking will be off-trail, as we will be in the subalpine most of the time. This makes for easier travel even without a trail as we won’t be bushwhacking in dense forests but instead exploring the alpine. 

Navigation bonus! We will teach you how to navigate in the backcountry using old school, though very useful tools like a map and compass. As well, we will show you which phone apps and other electronic devices we safely rely on.

Cost includes: Pre-Trip Online Meeting, Guides wages, One-way shuttle to start of the traverse. 

Not included: Food, Backpack, Tent, Camping equipment such as stoves, and gratuities. 

To register, please send an email to

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